Episode 7: The Top 4 Productivity Hacks For Busy Private School Leaders

Do you ever get to the end of the day and feel like you didn't get anything done even though you worked really hard?

Does the "tyranny of the urgent" control your day?

Do you wish that you felt productive during the day instead of feeling exhausted from putting out fires all day long?

Do you ever sit down at your desk and not know what to do next, so you start checking email?

If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, I have two pieces of good news for you. First, you are not alone. Nearly every independent school leader feels this way almost every day. Second, it doesn’t have to stay this way. On this episode of the Private School Leader Podcast, you are going to learn The Top 4 Productivity Hacks For Busy Private School Leaders!

There is a better way and this IS POSSIBLE! I promise you that if you apply these strategies to your day at school that you will feel more productive, less discouraged and more energized. I hope that you will listen, but more importantly, I hope that what you hear helps you to THRIVE as you lead your school. Thanks for making a difference!