Episode 1: Three Ways To Thrive At One Of The Most Difficult Jobs On Earth

As a private school leader, do you ever feel overwhelmed and exhausted at the end of a long day at school?


Do you wish that your job energized you the way that it used to?


Do you ever feel isolated and lonely as a leader?


Do you ever feel like your job as a private school leader is impossible?


I know that I answered "yes" to all of those questions! The good news is that it doesn't have to stay that way!


On today's episode, I'm going to take my 30 years of experience as a private school leader and give you three strategies to help you get back to THRIVING at your school.


The three strategies are:

  • Throw Some Starfish
  • Live The Quote
  • Lift Your Lid 


Do you want to get back to  feeling energized and excited each morning and feeling fulfilled at the end of each day? Do you want to tame the "tyranny of the urgent" and get back to making a difference in the lives of the kids at your school? Well then today's episode is just for you!


The Private School Leader Podcast exists to help you THRIVE and not just SURVIVE at one of the most difficult jobs on Earth.


CLICK HERE for the show notes for Episode 1 and you can CLICK HERE for more resources. 


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